Award in Road Safety Enforcement Technology - Laser Operator

Our qualified instructors have many years’ experience in using speed cameras at the roadside and bringing offending motorists to justice.

Description: SFJ Accredited Award in Road Safety Enforcement Technology – Laser Operator

The Training Covers:

  • How to deploy the enforcement device efficiently and lawfully
  • The technical and legal contexts in which the technology is used in England and Wales
  • The Home Office Type Approval process
  • The importance of maintaining and calibrating the technology
  • Continuity of evidence
  • The set-up of the enforcement device
  • An understanding of counter measures, such as laser jammers

Assessment Process: Assignment, observation and knowledge test

Duration: 4 days (24 hours of guided learning)

Suitable for: Those responsible for operating laser-based technology, such as mobile speed cameras

For more information about this award please complete our contact form